Need Help in Pierce County? | Meet Pamm {South Sound Outreach}

Meet Pamm Silver

For the past 6 years, Pamm has been South Sound Outreach’s  “Outreach Coordinator”.

Pamm’s works primarily with the Senior and Disabled community.  Her goal is to make sure all of their basic needs are addressed such as Basic Food, Shelter, Prescription Assistance and Social Security.  Pamm also makes it a point to visit Senior Centers and Apartments to personally interview them.

She finds that many seniors and disabled people are not aware of services available to them.  “At SSOS, We are a “link” to services,” Pamm says.  “If they need lawn mower repair, I know where to send them.  If they need furniture, there’s help for that as well (NW Furniture Bank).  If there’s a problem, we can solve it!”

Pamm and SSOS also partner with other Non Profits, DSHS, Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), Senior Centers & Food banks to make sure all of our clients get the help they need.

Pamm’s favorite part of working at SSOS:  “I love the feeling of helping those in need as my equal.  They are treated with compassion and respect.”

When asked about her interests outside SSOS, she replied, “I enjoy travel.  My favorite trip was when I went to New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina.  I went to see how I could help the jazz community.  I am a HUGE fan of jazz music.”  Pamm also used to write for the “Northwest Jazz Profile” magazine.  When she is not traveling or listening to jazz, Pamm enjoys doing a little gardening.

Pamm’s Quote to live by:  “We can all make a difference.  Let’s be a neighbor to our neighbors!”

Facing Foreclosure in Pierce County? | South Sound Outreach Offers Free Help

Do you know someone that is having trouble making ends meet?  South Sound Outreach is a nonprofit serving all of Pierce County.  We serve anyone in need.

Join us for these upcoming foreclosure prevention classes.  Help is here.  We never charge for services.

We can also get you started with a variety of resources.

Recipe for Stone Soup

Recipe for Stone Soup
As told by our guest blogger, Judy (a SSOS client and a FISH Food Bank client)

There was a small village that had fallen on hard times. People were worried that they didn’t have enough food to feed their children. One wise old women called on each household and said, ”Tomorrow we shall celebrate. We will come together and have our first festival of the stone soup.” Each family in turn said, “But we have only 2 potatoes.” Others said, “We only have 1 onion”, “We only have 3 carrots” and so on through the entire village.

“Don’t worry” she said. “I have a very large pot, water and a few soup stones. The next day the villagers were excited and gathered their meager food sources and joyfully ventured to the village meeting area. There over a large cooking fire stood the wise one. The huge cooking pot was already simmering. “We are gathered together giving a prayer of thanks. We all have a little bit of something to share and together we shall have a feast.”

As each family added their offerings to the soup spirits lifted and the celebrating began. They also planned to work together for the next stone soup festival.

Trust me this works! Try it with your friends but remember to wash stones well!

The Real Scoop on Stone Soup!
A note about Judy – She is an amazingly funny woman that we are thankful to know.  The glass is definitely half full in her eyes.  She loves to write guest blogs including many fabulous recipes.  She told us that she makes Stone Soup all the time.  She believes that when things are tough, people can pull together and have something wonderful.  Invite your friends over and ask them to look in your refrigerator and see what you have so it doesn’t go to waste.   And, yes, she really does put stones in the soup!

South Sound Outreach…watch us!

Would you like to own a home?


We can help! Our housing counselors offer pre-purchase homeownership counseling and homebuyer education seminars.

Contact us if you are thinking about buying a house in the next couple of years.

We can help you plan for homeownership, improve credit, develop spending plans, and learn about down payment assistance programs.



Washington State Housing Finance Commission programs:
Learn about funds for first-time homebuyers, people with disabilities, veterans, and school employees.

City of Tacoma Down Payment Assistance:

Pierce County Down Payment Assistance:

Homeownership Center of Tacoma:
Homeownership options and down payment assistance for specific properties.

PC2 Homeownership Program:
Down payment assistance for households that include a person with a documented developmental disability.

Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity:
Homeownership program for very low-income households.


Homeownership Center of Washington:

Washington State Housing Finance Commission:

Fair Housing Center of Washington:

Extra Housing Counseling Classes Added | Foreclosure Prevention {South Sound Outreach}

Because of the high demand for counseling South Sound Outreach is requiring homeowners attend a workshop prior to scheduling an appointment with a counselor. There will be another workshop on 8-1-11 and then again on 8-11-11. It will be at Evergreen College @ 1210 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98405 from 2:30 to 4:30.

If you would like to attend just Email or call the office to register.  Due to the high volume of calls we are receiving as a result of the Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program, you might have to leave a voicemail message.

You will need to go to our website and download the application to bring with you to the class.

South Sound Outreach | How Can We Help?

Donations make our services possible. Photo courtesy of FISH Food Banks

Life’s Unexpected Turns

Sometimes a life takes an unexpected turn and all the plans, hopes and dreams vanish.  When you are an independent, goal oriented, person accustomed to hard work proud of your problem solving skills directing others in navigating the many pitfalls and dramas that present themselves to other persons’ lives. How could this woman allow my own life to change so dramatically and stand by and become paralyzed – totally unable to dig myself out of that quicksand pit that had a consuming hold on me?    Four months ago my grandchild convinced me to go to the Food Bank and promised to go with me.  This young adult (15 yrs old) who stood beside me and has been a major support for my struggle at getting a grip on the life that seemed so shattered.  Three years of negative occurrences can destroy one’s self confidence.  You question every move you try to make, over-think every statement you might say, learn to stay in your room, read multiple books to escape into any other world.  Somehow I am even uncomfortable leaving my own home.  I am broke and am selling personal items to make ends meet.

The Turning Point – the Trip to the Food Bank

Consulting the computer we locate the closest FISH Food Bank on 85th and Portland Ave.  The line was ever so long.  Everyone was helpful and ushered me to the front of the line (I used a walker for balance issues at this time).  I was given a little heart token with a number on it and directed to the front counter to sign up.  As I stumbled over my name, address, etc I felt a warm arm surround my shoulder and a soft kind voice say, “Let me take her to my office.  I think this lady needs my help.”  I was so near tears and felt so out of my element. I hate to ask anyone for help.  I’m used to doing for myself and being the one helping others.  But Oh my gosh!   Stella the wonder worker did her magic!  She signed me up for the food stamp program, asked about how I was managing to heat my home – which was pretty darn cold, made me an appointment for the following day at the 11th Street South Sound Outreach Services office and for the first time in years I felt like there was hope.  I had enough food to fix that grandchild a nutritious after school snack  (he lives with me 50 % of the time) and many enjoyable meals thru the week. Can you even guess what else Stella helped me with?  Please stay tuned for the remainder of my story.


Stella Brumley has worked with South Sound Outreach Services for a little over a year.  Her primary focus is ensuring that people are treated with dignity as they seek assistance.  She is currently working towards her Master’s Degree in Social Work at the University of Washington – Tacoma.

Cecil | a Connection Center Success

“You almost need a Master’s Degree in Social Work to know how to go about all of this.”

Photo Courtesy of FISH Food Banks

Cecil, a lifelong resident of Pierce County, exemplifies the escalating complications that occur when people with chronic conditions have no access to health care. Outreach Professional Stella Brumley met him at the Southeast 85th FISH Food Bank, where she staffs the “Connection Center,” one of the entry points that South Sound Outreach Services (SSOS) has established for food bank clients to get connected with community resources.

Cecil has supported himself throughout his life with a variety of manual labor jobs, but a complication of his diabetes called neuropathy caused him to unknowingly and seriously burn his foot. A year later, the foot has still not healed completely and he’s unable to walk well enough to perform any of the work for which he is qualified. When Stella met him, he was living in his camper in the parking lot of various big box stores with no income and no health insurance. He’d been in the emergency room twice with life-threatening ketoacidosis, which would have been preventable with diabetic care and supplies.

Stella enrolled Cecil in Washington Basic Food and the Disability Lifeline program, which gave him a small cash subsidy, food stamps, and medical coverage. Like many homeless clients, Cecil uses SSOS as his address and Stella brings his subsidy-related mail to him at the food bank. She enrolled him in our Prescription Assistance Program, contacting medical suppliers to get him a free blood sugar monitor and reduced cost test strips. She arranged for utility assistance funds to pay for propane for heating and cooking in his camper, and began a Social Security Disability claim. The Disability Lifeline program was eliminated in the state budget cuts, so Stella is hoping to complete the complex Social Security claims process before his Disability Lifeline medical ends.  If he is awarded a Social Security Disability claim, Stella will help Cecil to find and apply for affordable rental housing so that he can move out of his trailer.

There are resources available to support people like Cecil, but the systems of support are so complex and disjointed that one client recently remarked, “You almost need a Master’s Degree in Social Work to know how to go about all of this.” The mission of SSOS is to compassionately guide people through the complex array of resources they need to achieve sustainable, independent living.  With the cutbacks to Disability Lifeline, we expect to serve many more people like Cecil in the next year. The Connection Centers collaboration with FISH Food Banks has enabled SSOS to serve many clients like Cecil.